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How to: Make a quilted Floor Cushion

I love quilts with their soft fabric and plush batting. But what makes a quilt even cosier? If it's a floor cushion!

This quick and fun project will make you a huge comfortable floor cushion (about (or if you're a crazy dog lady like me, also a perfect dog bed!) 

The instructions assume you already have a quilt top (this also works for Lo & Behold Stitchery's Ombre Puff quilt) but if you're looking for a quick pattern like the one pictured below, click here.


  • The instructions assume a the finished size is approximately 37.5" x 37.5" and is made to fit a 40 x 40" (1m x 1m) cushion insert. This ensures the cushion is nice and plump, and will flatten over time. You can of course use a different size top and adjust the measurements to suit. 
  • There are two methods for making a floor cushion that are covered in this tutorial:
    • Option 1: is when we will incorporate binding around the edge of the cushion, as well as on the two back pieces. An example of this, is this Ombre Puff cushion pictured above (you can see the binding around the edges). This method should be used to turn your Ombre Puff into a floor cushion but can be used for any quilt top.
    • Option 2: is when we will only use binding on the two back pieces- the seams around the edges of the cushion are hiding inside the insert. This is the easier option and works for any quilt top except for the puff quilt (the puffs get in the way :-) 

You need:

  • Quilt top- a square size ranging from 36" x 36" - 42 x 42" will likely work - however the instructions and measurements below are for a 37.5" quilt top- so you can adjust as necessary
  • Binding:
    • Option 1: enough to go around the outside of your quilt + 2.5 yards (approximately 7 yards altogether) I would recommend at least a 2.5" wide binding given we will be binding several layers together!
    • Option 2: 2.2 yards binding
  • 40" x 40" cushion insert (You can purchase cushion inserts in Australia from Inner Green (they are actually made from recycled water bottles!).  If you are outside of Australia and cannot find a 40 x 40" cushion insert, you can just sew two pieces of 40" x 40" cheap cotton together and stuff with polyfill to act as your own DIY cushion insert. 
  • Batting is used on the front and back- approximately 1.25 yards  x 2.5 yards is required
  • Fabric A -2.25 yards (2.1m): Is used for inside the cushion- because you won't see this, use whatever you have lying around or whatever if you can find that is cheap!
  • Fabric B -1.1 yards (1m): This is used for the underside/ back of the cushion. I recommend something that matches the top of the quilt however this isn't as important as you can't really see it 


This one uses Penelope Handmade's Maizie quilt (I made the shapes one inch larger than the pattern says and added a border

Cutting Instructions: 
These instructions are the same for both binding option 1 and 2 until noted below
Fabric A:
(1) 40" x 40" piece (or slightly larger than whatever is the size of your quilt top)
(1) 44" x 37.5" 
Fabric B:
(1) 44" x 37.5" 


1. Make the cushion top sandwich with three layers:

  • 1. Completed quilt top (~ 37.5 " x 37.5 ") 
  • 2. Batting (40 " x 40 ") 
  • 3. Backing fabric (the 40 " x 40" Fabric A piece) 

You can either use safety pins or a basting spray to secure the layers together

Quilt as desired. Trim the excess backing and backing fabric to the same size as the quilt top (37.5 ̎x 37.5 ̎). 

2: To make the cushion back, take the 37.5 " x 44 " pieces of Fabric A and B and make another quilt sandwich:

  • 1. 44 " x 37.5 " Fabric A 
  • 2. Batting (37.5" x 44")
  • 3. 44 " x 37.5 " Fabric B

We are using the same size pieces for all three layers so spend some time ensuring they all line up. Once again, you can either use safety pins or a basting spray to attach the layers together

Quilt as desired. Take the completed cushion back sandwich and cut in half which will leave (2) 37.5 " x 22 " pieces:

We are then going to take our binding and attach it to one edge of each of the two pieces.

Pin the binding to the 37.5 " side of Fabric B side of one of the cushion back pieces, unfolded (raw) side to the edge. Sew a quarter inch seam along the raw edges to attach the binding to the edge. Flip over your cushion back piece and fold the binding over the raw edge and sew along the folded edge of the binding (on the Fabric A side) to secure. Repeat for the other cushion back piece.


There will now be three pieces:
Quilted quilt top with backing and backing
Two pieces of quilted cushion back pieces with binding on one edge

It’s time to assemble our floor cushion!

Option 1: (Binding all around the edges)

Take your cushion top and place on a large table or the floor, right side down (i.e. the side with the pattern facing down).

Take the two back cushion pieces and place on top of the cushion top as follows with the bound edges in the middle with Fabric B on the outside. Pin the two pieces together and sew around the edges using a 1/4 inch seam . (Tip: There are quite a few layers here so you may want to use a denim or leather needle). There will be an overlap of the two pieces which form the opening to insert your cushion.

We are almost there! Attach your binding using your preferred method and your quilted floor cushion is done!

Option 2: (No binding around the edges)

Take your cushion top and place on a large table or the floor, right side up (i.e. the side with the pattern facing up).

Take the two back cushion pieces and place on top of the cushion top as follows with the bound edge in the middle with Fabric D on the inside. Pin the two pieces together and sew around the edges using a 5/8 inch seam . (Tip: There are quite a few layers here so you may want to use a denim or leather needle). Then use zig zag stitch or an overlocker/serger over the edges to stop fraying. There will be an overlap of the two pieces

Turn your cushion inside out and carefully push out the corners. Stuff it with a 40 ̎x 40 ̎ cushion insert and relax!


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